Next level thinkers
Chief Technology Officer / Co-Founder / Partner
We are looking for partners
Help spread the word! We are looking for music lovers to help us plan and host events and recruit venues. If you are looking for a new challenge and want to help establish and connect music station communities around the world, get in touch.
If you are an investor, or company in a similar space to BerlinMusicStation®, feel free to reach out to us. We are seeking next level thinkers and music enthusiast from all over the world to join our team and help us grow.
Full stack developer:
We are constantly working towards the next version of BerlinMusicStation® and are looking for talented, passionated, motivated developers to manifest our vision. If you want to be an integral part of something great for the culture of music and if you are hungry to create, then join our small team working to make a big impact in the music industry.
Reach music enthusiasts worldwide & discover artists from more than 120 countries
Every user who can contribute to BerlinMusicStation’s® development is investing in the future of the project.
Haus der Sinne / 26.08.2022 / 21:30 Uhr
Watch some impressions of the concert below:
News & mentions
BerlinMusicStation® named amongst the top 10 music streaming startups and companies in Berlin by Best Startup EU.